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Selling Your Home

Our focus is on providing excellent care for our clients, which includes compelling marketing, strategies to create your win-win and offering outstanding protection. We include the Leading Edge Rider and our Letter to Buyers and Sellers, in addition to other supporting documents specific to your house, with every listing. Creating clear rules of the road can greatly simplify the sale process, puts everyone on equal footing and sets proper expectations for all parties, which typically makes for good will amongst all parties. The Leading Edge Rider provides unparalleled protection highlighting a few core notions including noting that the purchase and sale agreement is the binding document, verifies any buyer sale contingencies and reminds buyers to do their due diligence on the property. The simple mantra, disclose, disclose, disclose, is at the heart of our supporting documents. We also share documents with you as traverse the sale process summarizing the next steps so that you are able to plan. We want to take as much of the guesswork out of the process for you.
We know that your first showing is on the web, where nearly 100% of buyers shop today, so amazing photography, an accurate and engaging description and loads of details about the property and surrounds is vital in the marketing of your home. We have several photographers with whom we work; a full house stager and an accessory stager; a designer to help identify and incorporate trends (we avoid the fads!); and a host of tradespeople to address those concerns, large and small, as we prepare our marketing campaign and present your home in the best light possible. We want to get the highest volume of the right eyeballs on your home!
Even if you're not planning to sell your home immediately, or if you're simply flirting with the idea, we're glad to educate you and share our ideas for which renovation or update items will bring you your greatest return on investment.
Selecting the right agent, the agent who will advocate on your behalf, help you create a product for market that meets the demands of your lifestyle, represent you and your home well and navigate the process for you, is a key ingredient once you make the decision to move forward. Selling your home can be invigorating, inspiring and fun, but also time consuming, stressful and worrisome - we're hear to be a sounding board and steward.
We can sell any home: an older home, a vintage home, a new home; a house, a condo, a multi-family; a completely refreshed home, an unfinished home, a home that is full of belongings - you name it, we can develop a strategy that will help you meet your needs and desires. We appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about today's market.

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